ENCHANT! Women's Sacred Song & Dance Circle

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The Star House, 2897 Burde St., Port Alberni

The theme for this half-day playshop will be FIRE WOMEN. We will co-create a circle of strength, sisterhood, love, light & magic.

Experience easy, fun and flowing dance movements, rhythms and harmonies to relax, release tension, share JOY and raise your energy.

Together, we wil create an entrancing song and dance that we will call “Women of the Fire”!

SEE FULL PLAYSHOP DETAILS HERE: https://sacredfiremusic.com/enchant-women-s-sacred-song-circle-full-day-playshop

TICKETS: $30 (if you register before Nov. 18) / $40 (after Nov. 18) Register by clicking on the button below, or by sending an E-transfer to sacredfire@sacredfiremusic(dot)com

SPECIAL PRICEBring a friend and pay $25 ea. before Nov. 18th (send an E-transfer to sacredfire@sacredfiremusic (dot) com.